And We’re Live!

Link to the Skorpio Kickstarter page

The Kickstarter funding page for “SKORPIÓ: A Vampire Trilogy” has gone live and is now capable of receiving pledges for backing the project! That means we have thirty days – just thirty days – to bring this project to life and get as much funding for the project as possible. The more we can build this, the bigger it will be!

Scripting for a Youtube video commercial is already under way, but if we can build enough of backing, we can also see a commercial for the series make it to cable television! That would be HUGE for this project.

Now’s the time to get on-board and help! Even if you don’t have the resources to contribute, your help is still needed and appreciated. Just pointing others to the project and spreading the word is of great help!

Just click the image above or the link below to visit the page!